Search Engine for Electronic Components containing over 350 Million Unique Part Numbers from the World's Top Component Manufacturers

IGBT Single Transistors by Ixys

424 match, viewing page 6 of 9

Part# IXGH32N60BU1

Part# IXGH25N100A

Part# IXSH35N100A

Part# IXGK50N60B

Part# IXGX50N60AU1

Part# IXGX120N60B

Part# IXGC16N60C2

Part# IXGH30N60B2

Part# IXGH30N60C2

Part# IXGH35N120B

Part# IXGH40N60B2

Part# IXGH40N60C2

Part# IXGH50N60B2

Part# IXGH50N60C2

Part# IXGH60N60B2

Part# IXGH60N60C2

Part# IXGK120N60C2

Part# IXGK60N60

Part# IXGP12N60C

Part# IXGP12N60CD1

Part# IXGP16N60B2

Part# IXGP16N60C2

Part# IXGP30N60C2

Part# IXGP7N60B

Part# IXGP7N60BD1

Part# IXGP7N60C

23-February-2025 17:22:50