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Lens; Pushbutton; Red; AML 32; AML51 Series; Rectangular
Lens; Button, Square, Red
Lens; Button, Square, Clear Cap, White Insert
Industrial Panel Mount Indicators/Switch Indicators Unsld OI/Advman Line
Indust Pnl Mnt Indicators/Switch Indicators Rect. PB SW Lens/BTN White w/Legend
SS Indicator, Rectanglar, Lens, Lighted, 2 Incandescent Lamp, Snapin panel mount
LED, AML; Red; T-1-3/4; 4 V; 50 mA; Panel Mount; -20 degC; 60 degC
Lens; Button; Black; For neon power switch with transmitted color
Indust Pnl Mnt Indicators/Switch Indicators Rect pushbutn Blue w/legend on cap
Mating Connector