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Micropulse transducer; SSI-Interface; Gray; 24 Bit; Supply voltage 20.0-28.0 V
Sensor, Photoelectric Diffuse, M12, Red light, 100mm PNP, LO, cable
Inductive sensor; Connector(NC); PNP; Sn=2mm; Flush (shielded); D06.5
Linear Transducer, Micropulse, BTL5-F-2814-1S-SA2
Sensor, Capacitive, M12 Flush, Stn. Stl., 4mm, PNP, NC, M12 connector
Sensor, Pressure switch w/display, Standard, 3626 PSI , G1/4", 4-20 mA, (1) NPN
Micropulse transducer; Analog interface; voltage; Supply voltage 18.0-30.0 V
Micropulse transducer; PROFIBUS-DP-Interface; Connector; Supply voltage 20.0-28.0 V
BMF - Magnetic Field Sensors & Accessories, BMF 32-HW-49
BAW - Analog Proximity, BAW Z08EO-UAD20B-S04G-H11
Sensor, Photoelectric Retroreflective, Block, Red light, 4m, PNP, LO, M8, 3-pin
BES - Inductive Sensors, BES 516-216-E4-E-PU-03
BMF - Magnetic Field Sensors & Accessories, BMF 307-HW-73-115
Micropulse transducer; SSI-Interface; Binary; 24 Bit; Supply voltage 20.0-28.0 V
Sensor, Inductive, M30, 15mm, Flush, PNP/NO, 2m PVC cable
Sensors; Inductive; Cable with connector; (NO); NPN; Sn=0.80mm; Flush (shielded); D04.0
BHS - Inductive High Pressure Sensors, BHS G409N-PSD10-EP02
BMF - Magnetic Field Sensors & Accessories, BMF 305-HW-38
Sensor, Photoelectric Diffuse, M18, Infrared, 450mm, PNP, LO/DO, cable
Micropulse transducer; Analog interface; voltage; Supply voltage 20.0-28.0 V
BHS - Inductive High Pressure Sensors, BHS B163V-PSD25-S04-003
Sensor, Photoelectric Retroreflective, M18, Red light, 5m, NPN, LO/DO, M12
Micropulse transducer; Ethernet-Varan-Interface; Supply voltage 20.0-28.0 V
Sensor, Capacitive, M18 Flush, Stn. Stl., 8mm, NPN, NO, 2m cable
BIS - Radio Frequency ID Systems, BIS C-319/05-S4
Sensor, Pressure switch w/display, Stn.Stl., -14.5...29 PSI , G1/4", (2) NPN
BOS - Photoelectric Sensors & Accessories, BOS 6K-NU-RH11-02
Sensor, Proximity, Inductive, 2mm Range, 10-30VDC, BES 516-3013-G-SA2-PU-03
Sensor, Pressure switch, Stn. Stl., 8702 PSI , G1/4", 4-20 mA, (1) PNP, IO Link
Sensor, Proximity, Inductive, 4mm Range, 10-30VDC, NPN, BES G06ED-NSC40F-BP02
Sensor, Pressure switch, Stn. Stl., 73 PSI , G1/4", (2) PNP, IO Link
Sensor, Photoelectric Retroreflective, Large Block, Red, 18m, AC/DC, LO/DO, M12
Micropulse transducer; Quadrature-Interface; Connector; Supply voltage 10.0-30.0 V
BOS - Photoelectric Sensors & Accessories, BOS Q08M-NS-PR20-02
Sensor Inductive Block Housing, 80x132, PNP NO/NC, M12 S04, 40mm, Flush
Sensor, Pressure Transmitter, Stn. Stl., 73 PSI , G1/2", 0-10 VDC
Sensor, Inductive, M30, 30mm, Non-Flush, PNP/NO, 2m PUR cable
BKT - Contrast Sensors, BKT M-15C-U-S4
Sensor, Photoelectric, Through-Beam, Emitter, 8x8, Red light, 2.2m, Cable
Micropulse Transducers; Ex; Digital
Sensor, Pressure switch w/display, 3626PSI , G1/4", 0-10 VDC, (1) PNP
BIC - Non-Contact Connectors & Power Remotes, BIC 1I2-P2A03-M30MO2-EPX07-050